Volunteer for a research study
Volunteer for research
RECOVER Injury Research Centre is conducting a number of research studies to improve the health outcomes of people injured in road traffic crashes.
Musculoskeletal injury studies
The Improving health outcomes after musculoskeletal injury research team at RECOVER develops effective diagnosis, assessment and treatment for people with musculoskeletal injury following a motor vehicle crash. Our research includes many different aspects of recovery.
We are often looking for volunteers for different studies.
- You must be over 18 years of age; and
- Experiencing musculoskeletal pain, for example neck or back pain
What is involved?
Each study has slightly different requirements - some require the completion of online questionnaires, others involve telephone or face-to-face interviews, whilst some include participation in activities or treatment.
How can I volunteer or find out more?
The effect of pain education and virtual reality gameplay in individuals with persistent low back pain
Study title
The effect of simulating functional tasks during an immersive virtual reality environment on pain and fear of movement in people with chronic non-specific low back pain
- The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of pain education and virtual reality gameplay on pain levels and fear of movement in individuals with persistent low back pain.
- The study is also exploring the impacts of these interventions on movement and physical activity levels.
- While pain education is a well-established treatment intervention, virtual reality gameplay is an emerging treatment and requires more investigation.
- If virtual reality gameplay combined with pain education is shown to be an effective treatment for pain and fear of movement in individuals with persistent low back pain, this could provide opportunities for alternative treatment approaches that incorporate virtual reality gameplay. This could take place in individual’s homes without the need for regular face to face contact with a physiotherapist.
Types of volunteers needed:
- Adults (18-65 years of age)
- Have persistent low back pain (six months or more)
- Able to attend the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (STARS) Hospital for three weekly sessions
What is involved?
- If you decide to participate in the study, participation will include attending three weekly sessions at STARS. The first two sessions take approximately 60-90 minutes, and the final session takes approximately 30 minutes.
- Parking vouchers are available to cover parking costs at STARS, or alternatively you can elect to be reimbursed for public transport costs.
- Participation involves completing some questionnaires relating to pain intensity, your beliefs around pain and movement, and a measure of the level of your disability resulting from your back pain.
- At each testing session, markers will be placed on your trunk to enable motion capture as you perform some standard movements (e.g. bending forwards, backwards, sideways, lifting and lowering a 4kg box).
- The first session will also include a 1:1 pain education intervention, while the second session will include virtual reality gameplay where you will play three separate games (basketball hoops, ice curling, and ten-pin bowling).
What’s in it for me?
- There will be no direct benefit to you from participating in this research. However, your participation will help to determine if virtual reality combined with pain education has a positive impact on pain, fear of movement, physical activity levels, and movement of the lower back, in individuals with persistent low back pain.
- A $40 gift card will be provided to participants who complete all three sessions, to thank you for your time.
How can I volunteer or find out more?
People interested in participating or learning more about the study including location details can:
- Contact Dr Peter Window, Project Investigator, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital on email peter.window@health.qld.gov.au; or
- Read the Study information sheet provided here (PDF, 191.6 KB)
Get an eye check to help understand chronic whiplash
Do you have long-term neck pain after a whiplash injury or neck strain?
Interested in having the nerves in your eye examined?
Study title
Small nerve fibre pathology in chronic whiplash – a corneal confocal microscopy study
What is this research about?
This study seeks to learn about sensory nerves in people with long-term whiplash neck pain. After a whiplash injury, some people recover, and others develop long-term pain. The reasons for ongoing pain after whiplash are not fully understood, however recent research suggests that sensory nerves (that transmit information about pain) may be implicated.
What will you do?
Participation involves undergoing a microscope assessment of the eye by an optometrist, completing some questionnaires, and sensory testing at the neck and leg, which will take no longer than 90 minutes.
This study is done at the Queensland University of Technology School of Optometry and Vision Science at Kelvin Grove. Participants are offered a $50 gift voucher to reimburse for time and travel expenses.
Who can participate?
We are seeking male and female participants aged 18-70 years, with neck pain after a whiplash injury lasting more than 3 months.
How do I participate?
To find out more information, please contact Dr Scott Farrell and the research team on (07) 3346 4791 or scott.farrell@uq.edu.au
Exploring Physiotherapists’ Perspectives about N-of-1 Trials and Single-Case Designs
Project title
What is this research about?
Most treatment guidelines are developed based on research that focuses on how groups of patients respond to a treatment on average (i.e., findings from a randomised controlled trial). However, response to treatment may vary substantially from one patient to another. Due to a focus on the average response, studies using traditional research designs may not identify patients who do not respond or who are harmed by a particular treatment. N-of-1 trials and single-case designs have emerged as a rigorous scientific method that can be used to identify individual patient response to treatments. This study aims to explore stakeholder perspectives about the barriers and facilitators for conducting N-of-1 trials and single-case studies in clinical practice.
What will you do?
You will complete an interview in person or via telephone or video call (e.g., Zoom or Teams). Prior to the interview, you will sign a participant consent form, complete a brief online questionnaire collecting information about you, and watch a video describing what N-of-1 trials and single-case designs are. This will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You will then take part in an interview. During the interview the researcher will ask you a series of questions about your views on N-of-1 trials and/or single-case designs. The interview will be audio-recorded. The interview will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. After the interview audio-recording has been transcribed, we will offer you the opportunity to review your interview transcript for data accuracy.
Who can participate?
We are looking for Australian Physiotherapists of any age with at least one year's experience in clinical practice in the musculoskeletal field.
How do I participate?
The interviews will be conducted via telephone or video call at a time convenient to you.
To find out more information, please contact Associate Professor Jane Nikles by email: catherine.nikles@uq.edu.au or mobile phone 0408 599 033.
Do sensory nerves change in people with chronic whiplash?
Study title 
Development of small nerve fibre pathology in chronic whiplash-associated disorder
What is the purpose of this research?
Some people recover from a whiplash or neck strain injury, while for other people neck pain can become a long-term problem. Recent research findings suggest that in some people who develop long-term whiplash neck pain, there are changes in the structure and function of small sensory nerve fibres responsible for transmitting information about temperature and pain. This is a phenomenon also noted in other pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. This may be related to the biological mechanisms underlying long-term pain in this condition, so we need to learn more about this to help improve diagnosis and treatment.
The aims of this study are: i) to determine when after a whiplash injury these nerve findings can be observed, and ii) to better understand their clinical significance and possible causes.
Who can participate
We are looking male and female participants aged 18-70 years who are either:
- Pain free, or
- Have neck pain following a whiplash or strain injury, such as from a car crash, within 3 weeks of injury.
What does participation in this research involve?
Participation in this research involves attending the Tess Cramond Pain & Research Centre, RBWH (STARS Building, 296 Herston Road, Herston) for data collection (60-90 minute appointment).
During the appointment we will ask you to complete some questionnaires regarding neck pain (if applicable), general health and psychological symptoms, undertake skin biopsies at the finger and ankle, and collect blood from a vein in your arm.
To reimburse for time and travel expenses, participants will be provided a $50 gift voucher for each appointment attended.
Register your interest
To register your interest, or find out more about this study, please contact Dr Nayomi Ranathunga on 048 602 0691 or email n.ranathunga@uq.net.au
This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No.2022/HE000921].
Help design a virtual reality application to test drive wheelchairs
Project Title
Designing a VR Application for Motorised Wheelchair Selection: A User-Centred Approach
What is this research about?
Learning to use a wheelchair to gain mobility is one of the many specialised skills needed to regain independence after a severe injury that impairs the ability to walk. There are multiple types of motorised wheelchairs, each with different drive systems that change how navigation and turning works. Unfortunately, selecting an appropriate motorised wheelchair is often down to guesswork. Wheelchair users are often locked into their selection after their first choice, unable to change their device. There are currently no safe or cost-effective ways to test drive different wheelchairs in different situations and environments. Rehabilitation centres don’t always have access to all types of wheelchairs for testing.
Immersive virtual reality (VR) technologies can create a safe, simulated experience that allows wheelchair users to test different motorised wheelchairs in multiple environments. This will give them the confidence to choose a wheelchair that suits their needs. This is especially important if rehabilitation centres don’t have access to all wheelchair types in real life.
Who can participate?
- Motorised wheelchair users with an acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury.
- Caregivers who were involved in the motorised wheelchair selection and training process.
- Health professionals with experience in the motorised wheelchair selection and training process.
You must be over 18 to participate.
What is involved?
- You will take part in an online interview for up to 1-hour
- We will discuss:
- your experiences of the wheelchair selection and training process
- your thoughts and opinions about a virtual reality application for wheelchair selection.
Benefits of participating
Volunteers will be reimbursed for their time with $50.
Register your interest
To register your interest or for more information, please contact Dr Robert Cuthbert at robert.cuthbert@uq.edu.au
This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2024/HE001503].
Help to create mobile health solutions for people with persistent pain
Who can participate?
You are eligible if you one of the following groups:
- A health professional working within the pain field from one of the following professional backgrounds: medical, nursing, psychiatry, psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, exercise physiology, research.
- Someone with chronic pain who is interested in sharing their lived experience.
- A spouse or carer of someone who has chronic pain who is interested in sharing their lived experience.
We will be conducting a number of focus groups to understand more about your experiences and perspectives. Participation involves attending 2 x 90-minute meetings via Zoom. You will receive 2 x $50 vouchers for participating.
How to participate?
Please contact Pablo Molina García at pablomolinag5@ugr.es to express your interest in participating in this project.
This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2024/HE001182].