Outcomes from consumer and community consultation ​

2020 Case studies

You can view case studies and examples of consumer involvement with researchers at RECOVER.

2020 Consumer & Community Forum

19 November 2020

Wrap up

RECOVER hosted its second Consumer & Community Forum via Zoom on 19 November 2020.

The forum provided an overview of the types of consumer engagement activities occurring at RECOVER, along with group activities and discussions designed to explore ways that consumers can become more involved.

This forum was attended by people affected by injury, interested community members and health professionals.

The event program was as follows:

  • A welcome to country and a welcome to all attendees from the Director, Professor Trevor Russell
  • An overview of the RECOVER consumer engagement program
  • A description of how consumer engagement differs from research participation
  • Three presentations from research staff giving examples of how RECOVER researchers are engaging consumers in their research

Download a copy of the forum presentations (PDF, 1.8MB) (PDF, 1.8 MB)

After a break, we sought feedback from attendees on the following topics:

  • The benefits of involving consumers in research
  • The draft consumer engagement framework
  • Identifying RECOVER consumers
  • Ways RECOVER can connect with consumers, including how to expand our mailing list

2019 Consumer & Community Forum

12 November 2019

Wrap up

On the 12th November 2019 RECOVER held its first ever consumer and community forum. The forum was held at the Victoria Park Golf Complex, Herston. The event was free with morning tea and lunch provided for all attendees.

The event was designed as a discussion forum whereby researchers could explore what consumers think about our research and how they could be more involved in the planning and design of research studies.

The morning started out with a welcome from the then Director, Professor Deborah Theodoros[1].

Alison Bell, Knowledge Translation Officer, then presented an overview of the day’s activities along with slides explaining ‘What is consumer involvement in research?’

There were three short presentations on the research being conducted at RECOVER by the three research programs: 

  1. Technology-enabled rehabilitation
  2. Return to everyday life and work
  3. Improving Health Outcomes After Musculoskeletal Injury

Download a copy of the forum presentations (PDF, 1.8MB)

After morning tea the attendees broke into groups. There was lively discussions around the room as attendees worked on responding to the following questions:

  1. What did you learn about RECOVER from the presentations that you did not know before today?
  2. What has been your previous experience with research?
  3. What topics would you like to see researched by RECOVER?
  4. Would you like to be more involved in RECOVER’s research in the future and if so, how?

Responses to these questions[2] were extremely informative and will guide future research and engagement activities at RECOVER. 

Feedback provided by consumers about the event overall was very positive and constructive. 

Many thanks to Anne McKenzie and team from Telethon Kids W.A. and Health Consumers Queensland for providing suggestions for the forum’s format as well as slide content.

Special thanks to all the consumer attendees!




[1] Professor Theodoros has subsequently retired from her role at the University and we welcome a new Director, Professor Trevor Russell.

[2] Summary responses were circulated to consumers to review for authenticity