Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of a speech treatment program delivered via the internet

Type of volunteers needed:

Male and female adults with a non-progressive speech disorder (dysarthria), as a result of traumatic brain injury or stroke. 

  • Not in active speech therapy or at least be prepared to cease therapy for the duration of the research project
  • At least 6 months post-injury
  • Have access to a computer and internet connectivity in your own home

What is involved?

  • 7 assessment sessions of approximately 1 hour each (i.e., a screening session, pre-treatment assessment, post-treatment assessment, and 3 month follow-up assessment). These assessments will be conducted in person
  • A 4 week period of treatment involving therapy for 1 hour a day, 4 days per week, for a period of 4 weeks. This therapy will be delivered online i.e. via videoconferencing.
  • Daily homework tasks to be completed independently. Approx. 15 mins per day for a period of 4 months.

What’s in it for me?

Participants will receive free speech treatment by a speech pathologist in their home.

Should this study prove to be successful, Be Clear Online will offer a much needed treatment option for individuals who are unable to access intensive face-to-face speech therapy due to distance or physical disability.

How can I volunteer or find out more?

Please contact Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan on 3346 4785, or email: