Posttraumatic stress symptoms and pain: Visiting Researcher Breakfast Series

RECOVER Injury Research Centre and the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Better Health Outcomes for Compensable Health invite you to join us at this FREE event, to hear from our invited speakers Professor Tonny Elmose Anderson and Associate Professor Sophie Lykkegaard Ravn from the University of Southern Denmark and to network with other attendees.

WHEN: 7.30-9am Friday 20 October 2023

WHERE: Garden Marquee, Victoria Park Complex, 309 Herston Road, Herston.

This workshop will benefit researchers, clinicians, psychologists and allied health professionals with an interest in injury rehabilitation following a motor vehicle crash.


Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Pain after Whiplash Injury – What have we learned from a decade of research, and where to go from here?: Professor Tonny Elmose Anderson. A decade of research relating to the association between posttraumatic stress symptoms and pain will be presented. A brief outline of mutual maintenance models of pain and PTSD will be provided, followed by results from a meta-analysis of PTSD and pain sensitisation, a longitudinal study of pain sensitisation after whiplash injury and results from a multicenter network analysis of PTSD and pain . Finally, Tonny will discuss a new and potentially promising approach “Source-localised EEG neurofeedback” to treat comorbid PTSD and pain after whiplash injury.

Acceptance and values in the context of pain: Associate Professor Sophie Lykkegaard Ravn. Third-wave cognitive behavioral therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are among others emphasising acceptance and living according to one’s values. Such concepts are of particular importance in the context of pain and suffering. Sophie will present some basic principles together with recent research findings in the area of whiplash as well as spinal pain in general.

Program Overview

7:00 am – 7:20 am Registration, tea & coffee

7:25 am - 7:20 am Welcome Professor Trevor Russell (+ breakfast served)

7:30 am - 8:30 am Speakers and panel discussion

8:30 am – 8:40 am Q&A

8:40 am – 9:00 am Networking


Professor Tonny Elmose Anderson's main research interests are within the fields of health psychology and clinical psychology. He is interested in how psychological trauma affects pain perception, the development of chronic pain and recovery thereof. The majority of his research falls into three main areas: psychological risk and vulnerability factors for the development of chronic pain (whiplash associated disorders); posttraumatic stress and pain; and intervention studies related to chronic pain and comorbid conditions such as PTSD and depression.

Dr Sophie Lykkegaard Ravn is an Associate Professor at Department of Psychology at University of Southern Denmark and research leader and clinical psychologist at Specialized Hospital for Polio and Accident Victims, which is a specialized rehabilitation center for among others trauma patients in Denmark. She has a PhD on posttraumatic stress symptomatology in whiplash-associated disorders and currently focuses her work on psychological adaptation and rehabilitation in different trauma populations. Among others, this involves research in acceptance, value-based goal setting, and communication in pain assessment and treatment.


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Posttraumatic stress symptoms and pain: Visiting Researcher Breakfast Series

Fri 20 Oct 2023 7:00am9:00am