How to plan for and meaningfully involve consumers in your research


RECOVER Injury Research Centre is hosting a complimentary breakfast workshop. The workshop is an in-person-only event (no online option) held at the Victoria Park Function Venue, Herston.

The workshop will benefit researchers and those looking to improve their understanding of consumer and community involvement (CCI) in research and their grant success.

Three speakers will present practical tutorials, followed by a panel discussion and networking session. The three topics and speakers are:

  • Grant writing for CCI success - Dr Emmah Doig
  • The consumer perspective - Ms Jennifer Muller
  • How to imbed and budget for CCI - Dr Lisa Anemaat

If you want to learn how to meaningfully involve consumers in your research projects and get tips on writing your consumer involvement statement and budget sections of grant applications - this is the workshop for you!

Please join us for this FREE event, where you can hear from our invited speakers and network with other researchers. 


Program overview

7:00 am – 7:20 am     Registration, tea & coffee

7:25 am - 7:30 am      Welcome Professor Trevor Russell (+ breakfast is served)

7:30 am - 8:15 am      Speakers

8:15 am - 8:30 am      Panel discussion     

8:30 am – 8:40 am      Wrap up and questions

8:40 am – 9:00 am      Networking

Speaker bios

Dr Emmah Doig is an experienced clinical occupational therapist and researcher in the field of neurorehabilitation. Emmah is the Senior Conjoint Research Fellow in occupational therapy in the STARS Education and Research Alliance, the University and Qld and Metro North Health. Emmah strives in her research to partner with people with lived experience of brain injury, clinicians and stakeholders to design and conduct research addressing priority problems by designing and testing solutions together.  The research Emmah has been involved in has attracted over $7 million in funding including the MRFF, NHRMC and NIHR, and has been shared in over 50 peer reviewed publications. Emmah has an interest in knowledge translation and planning for impact and has co-developed the KTIPs: Knowledge Translation and Impact Planner (link to resource: Knowledge Translation and Impact - School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences - University of Queensland (, to help researchers plan strategies for consumer and end-user involvement in research, knowledge synthesis, dissemination of research findings, implementation planning and impact planning. Emmah has been a member of the STARS Research Consumer Steering Group since its inception in February 2022, guiding development of the group to facilitate and embed consumer and community involvement in the prioritisation, development and conduct of research across the STARS/University Alliance partnership. Emmah and a team of consumers, researchers and clinicians from the University of Queensland and Metro North Health recently received an MRFF-consumer led grant to ‘Co-create virtual environments with consumers to enhance self-awareness and preparedness for home after brain injury’ (link to project: Co-creating virtual environments with consumers to enhance self-awareness and preparedness for home after brain injury - School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences - University of Queensland (

Ms Jennifer Muller is a member of the STARS Clinical Research Committee, the STARS Research Consumer Steering Group, is actively involved in advocating for the engagement of consumers in research projects, and is a participant in several ongoing projects. Ms Muller has a lived experience of stroke and has been a consumer advocate for stroke survivors on various state and national committees. She was the Non-Executive Director of the Stroke Foundation Board representing the interests of Consumers, and Chair of the Consumer Council for nine years. During this period, she was a consumer member of the Commonwealth government expert committees on the National Action Plan for Heart and Stroke and the National Clinical Quality Registries. She also draws on her experience and knowledge of public health, health systems and strategic planning.  She held the position of Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Social Work, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology for six years. Prior to her current role, Ms Muller was a Senior Executive in Queensland Health and led the development and implementation of the state-wide cancer screening services BreastScreen Queensland, the Cervical and Bowel Cancer Screening Programs including; establishing information systems, state level clinical quality registers and ensuring equitable access to services for people in rural and remote areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people from diverse cultures and disadvantaged groups. Recently, she was involved as an expert consumer advisor in the development of the National Strategic Action Plan for Heart Disease and Stroke, and is regularly invited as a consumer grant panel reviewer on various Medical Research Future Fund schemes.

Dr Lisa Anemaat is a speech pathologist and works with the STARS Education and Research Alliance as the Conjoint Research Fellow for consumer and community involvement (Metro North Health and The University of Queensland) and works with the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre. She is a member of the STARS Clinical Research Committee, chairs the STARS/UQ Alliance Research Consumer Steering Group, and has led the development of embedding meaningful consumer involvement in the prioritisation, development and conduct of research at STARS since its establishment and has supported multiple consumers to contribute to funding applications as a chief investigator. Lisa completed her PhD using a novel application of Experience-Based Co-Design, to co-design aphasia services for the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre, who have adopted her findings as a future focus of the centre. Her PhD research has been cited in multiple successful grants in aphasia research, formed the foundation of a recently awarded application (MRFF 2023 Rapid Applied Research Translation, Grant number: MRRART000078: Aphasia Treatment TranslAtIon Network (ATTAIN), $4,884,793) to co-design aphasia services, and has been showcased as an example of co-design and consumer engagement in research (e.g., within Metro North Allied Health Grand Rounds; Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, research seminar UQ). Lisa is a member of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, and deputy lead of working Group 5 (Societal Impact of Aphasia and Reintegration), and a member of Health Translation Queensland’s statewide CCI in research Alliance, and co-lead of the reporting working group. Her research interests include examining experiences, determining priorities, and co-designing meaningful solutions in post-stroke aphasia, and exploring new ways to meaningfully involve consumers in research.

How to plan for and meaningfully involve consumers in your research

Tue 30 Jul 2024 7:00am9:00am