About Consumer and Community Forum

RECOVER Injury Research Centre conducts research with a goal to improve the lives of people who have had an injury, especially injuries caused by road traffic crashes. We would like to better understand how our consumers can contribute to our research. 

RECOVER consumers include injured people and their care-givers, as well as interested community members, community organisations and health professionals.


This forum will provide a unique opportunity for us to explore what consumers think about our research and about how they could be more involved in the planning and design of research studies. We will present to you an overview of our current research and give some examples of consumer involvement in research. We will then ask for your views!

The forum will be relaxed, with small group activities and plenty of discussion sessions. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Video teleconference facilities will be available for those who cannot attend in person.

RECOVER is committed to involving consumers and community members in our research agenda. The forum will be the first of a series of consumer involvement activities planned by us.

Download the event flyer. (PDF, 901 KB)


Date: Tuesday 12 November 2019

Time: 9:30am - 1:00pm

Venue: Quartz Room, Victoria Park Golf Complex, Herston



Registrations for the workshop are free, but numbers are limited. 


Program overview

9:30am - 10:00am - Registrations open / morning tea

10:00am - Welcome / Overview: Consumer involvement in research

10:30am - 11:45am - Presentations: RECOVER research / Group activities and discussions

11:45am - Wrap-up / questions

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch



Victoria Park Golf Complex, 309 Herston Road, Herston QLD 4006
Quartz Room