Professor Trevor Russell -  Principal Advisor

 Associate Professor Nicole Hartley- Associate Advisor

Emeritus Professor Jenny Ziviani - Associate Advisor

Topic: Intrapreneurship Innovation – an examination of inception to success factors: the case for Project ECHO®.


Researcher biography

Perrin Moss is the Program Manager for Integrated Care at Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service. Perrin has been leading large-scale, multi-site projects across the health and tertiary education sectors for over ten years. In his current role at Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, he has a portfolio of state-wide child and youth health programs that focus on integration, innovation and partnership development. Perrin has a successful track record in acquiring competitive grant and philanthropic funding to initiate innovative new projects and has successfully transitioned many large-scale projects into business as usual programs by securing recurrent funding sources. Perrin holds a Bachelor of Business (International Business and Management) and a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Media and Communication) and commenced study for his PhD at The University of Queensland in 2018.