Professor Trevor Russell -  Principal Advisor

 Associate Professor Nicole Hartley- Associate Advisor

Emeritus Professor Jenny Ziviani - Associate Advisor

Topic: Building the Case for Project ECHO®: from Inception to Implementation Success Factors for Adopting New Innovation


Researcher biography

Perrin Moss is the Program Manager for Integrated Care at Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service. Perrin has been leading large-scale, multi-site projects across the health and tertiary education sectors for over ten years. In his current role at Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, he has a portfolio of state-wide child and youth health programs that focus on integration, innovation and partnership development. Perrin has a successful track record in acquiring competitive grant and philanthropic funding to initiate innovative new projects and has successfully transitioned many large-scale projects into business as usual programs by securing recurrent funding sources. Perrin holds a Bachelor of Business (International Business and Management) and a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Media and Communication) and commenced study for his PhD at The University of Queensland in 2018.