Dr Yanfei Xie
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Yanfei is a postdoctoral research fellow at RECOVER Injury Research Centre. Her research areas and interests involve musculoskeletal pain/injuries, biomechanics, occupational health, disability, and rehabilitation. She has a discipline background as a physiotherapist and received her PhD in 2021 from The University of Queensland. Her PhD involved ultrasound elastography, quantitative sensory, physical and psychosocial tests to understand the muscular, sensory, and psychosocial features of work-related neck pain and to identify predictors of neck disability trajectories.
Yanfei has a broad range of research skills applicable across methodologies, including randomized control trials, case-control and longitudinal study designs, systematic and scoping reviews, and statistical analysis. She presents regularly at both national and international conferences and have received several presentation awards, including the best poster presentation at the 2021 Australian Pain Society 41st Annual Scientific Meeting. Yanfei’s work is published in leading journals, including PAIN and The Journal of Pain.