Dr Trung Ngo
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Trung has over ten years of combined professional experience and unique skillsets in driving successful interdisciplinary collaborations, the central service delivery of research performance evaluations and proactively supporting the STEMM innovation ecosystem in Queensland and beyond.
His work seeks to enhance human and social capital — from advancing a Precision Pain Medicine R&D program and helping STEMM students to accelerate career success — through to successfully delivering several large-scale strategic priorities and capability analyses for a wide client base (e.g., individuals, groups, professional networks/associations, multi-institutional national and international strategic partnerships).
Trung's current translational research priorities include delineating universal causal pathways and biomarkers for pain, sleep and mental health disorders to deliver novel diagnostic and therapeutic biotechnologies. His work comprises utilising non-invasive vestibulocortical stimulation (VCS), which has spawned U.S. industry and clinical collaborations with major implications for preventing the onset of chronic pain and mental illness as well as enhancing cognitive-affective resilience (e.g., paediatric and Defence populations).