Dr Clare Burns
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Dr Clare Burns is a clinician researcher who leads research in the fields of speech pathology and technology enabled health care. Her work focuses on utilizing technology to enhance access to and delivery of health services to optimize consumer outcomes. She has developed, evaluated, and implemented a range of telehealth services to deliver speech pathology interventions, multidisciplinary care, and broader allied health services.
Since 2020, Clare has worked with RECOVER to co-design and develop virtual reality environments for use in rehabilitation. In 2023 she was awarded a Queensland Health Clinical Research Fellowship to develop and evaluate an immersive virtual reality environment for communication rehabilitation.
Clare is an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Queensland and works as an Advanced Speech Pathologist and Research Coordinator at the Speech Pathology Department, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital.