Mrs Leone Bennett
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Primary advisor - Professor Michele Sterling
Associate advisor - Dr Rachel Elphinston
Topic: Psychologically-Led Physiotherapy interventions for the treatment of Chronic Neck Pain
Leone commenced her PhD in October 2023 under the supervisions of Professor Michele Sterling and Dr Rachel Elphinston. Her research focuses on improving allied-health care treatment, with psychological influence, for people suffering with chronic neck pain.
Leone is a School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences PhD student, based remotely in Canberra.
Leone completed her Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) in the UK in 2007, gaining a Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Management) via the University of Sydney in 2022. As an APA Pain Physiotherapist Leone treats Chronic Pain patients within a specialised multidisciplinary pain centre. The Pain Centre utilises best evidenced care and strives to develop further research to optimise patient-centred outcomes, providing a perfect environment to support Leone's ongoing thirst for research into the field of Chronic Neck Pain. Leone also has experience in supervising and delivering education and training to physiotherapy undergraduate students.
Researcher biography