Dr Scott Farrell
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Dr Scott Farrell is a Research Fellow and physiotherapist at RECOVER Injury Research Centre, The University of Queensland. His research investigates neurological, genetic and inflammatory mechanisms underpinning chronic musculoskeletal pain, with a particular focus on whiplash associated disorder.
Scott’s research methods span statistical genetics and big data analysis, immunohistochemistry, blood markers, imaging and quantitative sensory testing, including collaborations with the University of Oxford, the University of Adelaide and the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. Scott has published in leading pain medicine and neurology journals (e.g., Brain, PAIN, J Pain, Spine J) and received >$2 million in research funding. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists, Chair of the Qld branch of the Australian Physiotherapy Association Pain National Group, and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital.