Ms Jenna Liimatainen
BExPhys (Hons)
Research Assistant
RECOVER Injury Research Centre
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road
The University of Queensland
Level 7, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
296 Herston Road

Jenna is a research assistant at RECOVER Research Injury Centre. After graduating from The University of Queensland in 2017 from a Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours) she has worked in both research and community-based clinical settings.
Jenna joined the RECOVER team in 2018 for the The Adapted Physical Activity Program Research Project and re-joined the Improving health outcomes after musculoskeletal injury team in July of 2021. Jenna will be assisting with various research projects at RECOVER.
Jenna also works as an exercise physiologist delivering a community-based program for people with complex mental and/or physical health conditions to increase their physical activity levels, and in turn, their wellbeing.