RECOVER Injury Research Centre and the Centre of Research Excellence in Recovery Following Road Traffic Injuries (CRE) wish to invite you to an exciting workshop.
Single-case methodology in health research: A two day hands-on, skills development workshop
The workshop will be presented by Professor Robyn Tate and Dr Michael Perdices (The University of Sydney) with Dr Suzanne McDonald (Newcastle University, U.K.) and Associate Professor James McGree (QUT). The workshop will be held 9am to 5pm, Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th November 2018.
Numbers are limited, so please submit your expression interest to attend the workshop by completing an Expression of Interest Form (DOC, 24KB) and sending it to RECOVER via email.
There are no costs to attend the workshop and catering is supplied.
Overview and goals of workshop
Single case experimental design (SCED) studies, also known as N-of-1 trials, provide researchers with a flexible and viable alternative to group designs with large sample sizes. SCEDs are scientifically rigorous experiments in which the participant provides his/her own control data for the purpose of comparison in a within-subject design. This paradigm differs significantly from the more familiar between-subjects design. Workshop participants will learn how to design, conduct and analyse scientifically rigorous SCED studies, with plenty of worked examples. On day 2, participants will have the opportunity to develop their own SCED proposals in small group format, under the expert guidance of the workshop presenters. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills, tools and confidence to design, conduct and analyse their own SCEDs.
Please find the full program here (PDF, 128KB).
For further information, please contact Dr Jane Nikles via email.