RECOVER Injury Research Centre is a joint initiative of the Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) and The University of Queensland. In January 2020 The University of Queensland and MAIC released the 3rd edition of Whiplash injury recovery: a self-help guide.
Professor Michele Sterling, Research Program Lead of the Improving health outcomes after musculoskeletal injury team at RECOVER and a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists is one of the lead authors of the guide. The other lead author is Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull, Professor of Physiotherapy and Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists.

A message from the authors:
This booklet aims to help people who have a whiplash injury on the road to recovery. It provides information about whiplash associated disorders, an exercise program which has been shown to assist in reducing neck pain and information on how to manage the emotional side of the injury to aid recovery.
The booklet is a self-help resource to aid recovery and to supplement any care being provided by a health care practitioner.
Copies of the Whiplash Injury Recovery guide and a number of videos on how to perform the exercises in the booklet can be found on the MAIC website.