RECOVER researchers, along with a team of collaborators, were recently awarded a grant from the Herston Imaging Research Facility (HIRF) for free brain scanning of participants in the Be Clear Online study.
Be Clear Online is an innovative therapy program which delivers targeted treatment via the internet to people undergoing treatment for non-progressive speech disorder (dysarthria).
The MRI images of the brain will help to inform knowledge about how the nervous system responds to this targeted program of intensive speech treatment. Understanding how the brain responds during the treatment will help researchers to develop new models for speech pathology practice, which in turn will result in better outcomes for individuals with dysarthria.
Congratulations to the team:
- Dr Anna Farrell, RBWH Speech Pathology
- Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan (RECOVER Injury Research Centre)
- Professor Deborah Theodoros (RECOVER Injury Research Centre)
- Professor David Copland (School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, UQ)
- Associate Professor Katie McMahon (HIRF)
- Prof Alan Coulthard (Faculty of Medicine & Biological Sciences, UQ)

Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan:
"We will be utilising this in-kind funding opportunity to obtain MRIs for a subcohort of Be Clear participants, all of which have impaired speech as a consequence of acquired brain injury. These images of the brain will serve to inform our knowledge base about how the nervous system responds to targeted, intensive speech treatment.
Defining mechanisms of neural reorganisation that underly treatment- driven improvements in speech function, will provide a much needed evidence-base to shift current models of speech pathology practice towards high intensity approaches that effect maximal behavioural change for individuals with dysarthria.
I am delighted to announce that we have been successful in obtaining a grant from the Herston Imaging Research Facility for free scanning of participants in a study titled: 'Neuroanatomical markers of motor speech recovery: Investigating changes in white matter tract integrity following high intensity speech treatment in adults with non-progressive dysarthria – Dr Anna Farrell (RBWH Speech Pathology), Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan, Professor Deb Theodoros, Professor David Copland (School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences), Associate Professor Katie McMahon (HIRF), Professor Alan Coulthard (Faculty of Medicine & Biological Sciences).'"
This study will involve 30 scans with a total value of $9,000.