Neck and lower back soft tissue injuries are common. For example, approximately 75% of all road traffic crash survivors experience whiplash symptoms. Pain relief medicines are commonly prescribed for these types of injuries.
This study aims to explore people’s experiences of medicine use, their understanding of prescribed medications, and the advice they were given about medicines for a neck or lower back soft tissue injury. This could be from a road traffic crash or from other causes. The best way to do this is to talk to people through one on one confidential telephone interviews.
Dr Jane Nikles, who leads the study, explains:

“We would like to learn more about what people think about pain management for their injury, their experiences of medicine use for this and what information they were given about the medication. We would like to find out whether they actually wanted to take medicine, whether the medicine helped, and whether they were given other options to manage their pain. This is important because at the end of the study, we hope to be able to improve management of neck and back injuries, which cause ongoing pain and expense for many people.”
More information about the study can be found on the study recruitment page or by contacting Ms Sarah Robins, Research Assistant, on email or call 07 3346 4812 or Dr Jane Nikles on email or 0408 599 033.