Outcomes from consumer and community consultation

Learn more about RECOVER's consumer and community involvement activities. 

9. Grow Stronger mobile app with a gamification feature

What is the mobile app designed to do?

Home exercise programs are a vital component of at-home rehabilitation. Engagement with home exercise programs can be challenging, resulting in poor adherence.

The use of smartphone apps that function as electronic home exercise diaries may improve engagement by offering a convenient and portable way to access instructions for exercise and promoting goal-setting and self-monitoring. Apps may also use game features to encourage engagement, known as gamification.

We think that our mobile phone app, called Grow Stronger, will help motivate people to complete their home exercise programs. Achieving this will result in both short and long-term health benefits for people doing physical rehabilitation exercises at home.

The consultation activity

We invited consumers with the experience of pain from an injury or operation to contribute their ideas about the Grow Stronger app.  

Consumers participated in a one-off consultation activity in the research planning phase - during the development of the app. Consumers provided valuable feedback on how they would have interacted with the app during their recovery and their thoughts about the gamification features.