
Overactivity in Persistent Pain Assessment Tool

While clinicians advise and encourage individuals with chronic or persistent pain to stay active, it is recognised that individuals can severely aggravate their pain by doing “too much”.When activity engagement results in a severe pain aggravation and a period of incapacity (where an individual is unable to function because the intensity of their pain) this is referred to as overactivity.

Learn more about the Overactivity in Persistent Pain Assessment tool

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Understanding Chronic Pain and Driving

Being able to drive is important and when people stop driving, this can lead to less independence, reduced social integration, lower levels of community participation and poorer quality of life. However, driving is a complex task which requires the ability to quickly identify hazards and react appropriately to avoid crashing.

Read more about the Understanding chronic pain and driving study

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Pain ROADMAP: A Mobile app to help people with chronic pain

Pain ROADMAP is designed to monitor individuals with chronic pain and accurately detect the activities that caused a pain exacerbation. This information can then be used to help individuals develop a better routine, pace activity effectively and achieve their goals.

Learn more about Pain ROADMAP

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Dolores: An artificial intelligence chatbot to enhance the management of chronic pain.

Chatbots, or more formally conversation agents, are increasingly being used in the health field. Chatbots are computer systems that enable interactive 2-way communication through a variety of modalities including videos, images, voice or text. Due to the versatility of these systems, chatbot have the potential for improving clinical-client communication and delivering education in more engaging ways that are aligned with the client’s age, learning styles and learning preferences.  

Learn more about Delores: An artificial intelligence chatbot to enhance the management of chronic pain.

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