The pioneering work of the Improving the Delivery and Availability of Evidence-Based Services team has recently been featured in UQ's Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Game Changers magazine.

Professor Deborah Theodoros, Director of RECOVER Injury Research Centre, discusses the transformative impact of telerehabiliation in the article, especially in relation to people affected by brain injury.
"The difficulties encountered by people who suffer a brain injury and are unable to communicate effectively are profound. Our team has been instrumental in spearheading research in the use of technology to assess and treat people with communication disorders in their own home [...] so that access is no longer a barrier to rehabilitation."
RECOVER Injury Research Centre is engaged in a number of telerehabilitation research projects to deliver intensive speech treatment, cognitive communication training, and an outreach service to people with brain injuries and their families across Queensland.
The link to the full Game Changers article can be found here: